38° C : Arctic is feverish

Chinmayee Rout
2 min readJun 26, 2020
Source: vogue.in @Getty

The parts of the Arctic feels feverish and is on fire with a temperature of 38° C, scientists are worried of how it is going to affect the world.

As Siberia is known for being freezing cold, the thermometer is likely to rise up to 38° C (100.4° F) — a temperature that would be fever for a person, in the Russian Arctic town of Verkhoyansk, on Saturday, June 20.

The World Meteorological Organisation had decided to verify the temperature reading on Tuesday, which had never been recorded for the region north of the Arctic Circle.

“The Arctic is figuratively and literally on fire — it’s warming much faster than we thought it would in response to rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and this warming is leading to a rapid meltdown and increase in wildfires,” in an email said dean Jonathan Overpeck, University of Michigan environmental school. “The record warming in Siberia is a warning sign of major proportions,” Overpeck wrote.

According to the climate science non-profit Berkeley Earth, the temperatures were beyond unseasonably high this year in major parts of Siberia. A rise of 8° C (14° F) in the average temperature has been noticed in the north-central Siberia from January till May.

“That’s much, much warmer than it’s ever been over that region in that period of time,” Berkeley Earth climate scientist Zeke Hausfather said.

